Online Trading

Social Trading: what it is, how it works and what are the advantages

In recent years we have been witnessing the rapid rise of Social Trading also in our country, thanks to the media explosion of this completely digital financial phenomenon and the huge investments made by large companies in the sector.

This relatively new investment method  on the market has allowed many people to approach the world of trading, we will see later the reasons that make this system easier for a first approach than the classic platforms, however , as it happens in the whole economic and financial, great skills are needed as well as a great willpower and patience, in fact time plays a fundamental role in the formation of a good trader

Social Trading as suggested by the name itself, is a modern investment method that is based on the community (hence the word social), specifically a group of traders meets in a specific platform to exchange information and anecdotes of the trade useful for making the right moves in the complex financial world.

trading strategy

It was strongly supported by the most important brokers in the world with the aim of simplifying entry into the financial markets for all new traders or for those who still have little experience in the sector.

Until a fairly recent past, investors and traders based their calculations and their choices only on market analysis and fundamental techniques while with the advent of Social Trading they can also use the data shared by other users of the community and therefore also their analysis and their feeds in order to have more methods of comparison.

The fundamental bases on which Social Trading is based are the following:

Flow of data and information relating to the financial markets : the sharing of data and information is totally free and without any kind of constraint or restriction.

Cooperative trading methods: unlike other trading methods, collaboration and teamwork are very important in order to achieve an excellent level of knowledge of the financial markets, this is certainly an important factor in the long term to reduce the losses or wrong financial choices.

Faster Growth : Thanks to the continuous increase in the flow of traders and investments, you can grow faster as a trader by testing and observing the techniques of other traders. Through direct experience it is possible to grasp strategies and mistakes not to be repeated.

Transparency of the actions carried out and data security : the data received and / or exchanged between the various traders enjoy a high level of security that preserves the identity of the traders, avoiding exposure to IT dangers and fraud.

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