How To Promote Your Business Blog

Business blogging can be a daunting task at first but it will be one of the most powerful tools in marketing if well done. A great business blog is determined by the content while its success will largely depend on how you promote it. So long as the content is marketable then promoting it should not be anything out of this world.

Great content should be relevant to your followers. It should resonate with them. It should engage and interact with your readers’ thoughts and should maintain the same quality always. To capture a reader, use a compelling headline. This is the first thing that will make the reader even click on your blog post. Then follow it up with a catchy introduction to entice the follower to read.  Maintain the same compelling and catchy content all through your post to make the follower read to the very end. Use facts, quotes, research findings and statistics to always back up your claims and content.

Posts with visuals report higher readership compared to non-visual content so use images that are attractive but that still communicate what the post is all about. To make your blog writing and posting more organized and to keep you from being overwhelmed, use a content calendar. You can as well hire a professional writer to create the content and a digital marketer to promote your business.

Now that you know how to produce good marketable content, let’s look at some of the easy, practical and free ways of promoting your business blog:

  1. Make use of your social networks

 By the time you own a business blog, I am assuming you must be in one of the social media platforms. Make use of these platforms to promote your blog by posting a link to your posts every time you have something new on your blog. Through you immediate friends, your link can be shared with other people who in turn will share with others and will soon have all them flocking on your blog. What a cheap and easy way to promote your blog.

You can even like and follow fellow bloggers and influencers who can share your links or even recommend your blog post on their blogs.

  1. Email Marketing

 Any professional and successful blogger will tell you how important it is to have a mailing list. An email list is among the top 3 sources of blog traffic. This should give you a reason to capitalize on it.

There are so many ways that you can collect email on the net from free giveaways such as eBooks and guides as well as subscriptions. Collect as many relevant emails that you can in turn use to promote your blog. With Email marketing, it is not only about looking for new readers but it is about retaining your current readers as well. So go ahead and start collecting your emails, of course with your reader’s permission.

  1. Guest Blogging

 Look for a much more bigger and successful blog and ask the owner if they can allow you to guest blog. How this functions is that once given the chance, you will be allowed to give your short bio and a link to your blog which can, in turn, generate good traffic for you. This is another fast way to generate traffic.

  1. Publish articles more often

 A research from Hubspot has revealed that blogs that publish at least 16 blog posts a month receive 3.5 times more traffic as compared to those who publish 0-5 posts a month. This is sure evidence that the more content you publish regularly, the more traffic you generate to your blog. So increase your frequency to 3-4 posts a week and see your traffic grow.

  1. Write longer posts

 Research by Google has shown that search engines prefer longer and more comprehensive articles as opposed to short articles. The research concludes that Google ranks 2000word articles higher than those with fewer words. This means that be ranked highly on search engines, you have to write longer articles that give as much information as possible. Try to hit at least the 2000word mark with each of your posts.

  1. Comment on other blog posts

This will work well if the comment comes naturally and not forced. Look for authoritative blogs in your niche to comment and interact with often and it will definitely get you noticed. Take advantage of this to creatively put in a link to your blog and you will have people run to your blog since they already virtually know you. This can also get you an invite to guest post which is super!

  1. Link to other blogs

 Another great idea of how to write a compelling post is to respond to a post on another blog. It could be that you are agreeing to the post or disagreeing. What happens is that you link the blog post you are responding to which automatically creates a trackback to your blog. So when a reader reads the post on the other blog, they will see a link to your blog and hopefully visit your blog.

  1. Join relevant Online forums

 Ensure you join online forums that are relevant to your niche. For instance, if you are blogging about exclusive breastfeeding then join a forum that discusses breastfeeding exclusively. These forums allow you to add your blog link in the signature at the bottom of the post you have written. Make helpful contributions that will make people see you as knowledgeable in your niche so that they can visit your blog for more information.

Promoting your blog is going to be an on-going thing. For results, you will have to employ a couple of these strategies at a go. Of course, some will work better for you than others. Once you find what works best for you, maximize on it. Your traffic may fluctuate from month to month, that should not scare you so long as the decrease is insignificant.