Many people are finding out the solution regarding the registration of a new company in Hong Kong. Forregisteringa new company formation Hong Kong, you need to follow several steps that will suit the best type and the name of the company. First, you should addthe company’s name that isthe same as the name that appears in the index of the company name that is always kept by the company’s registrar, which will get rejected.
Steps to be followed
A name of a company search may be conducted free without any charge using company search mobile service and cyber search centre available at the centre of public searchlocated at 13th floor of Queensway government office. Its shares always limit the company, so all members’ liability is limited by some articles of the association related to the unpaid amount on the share held by them.
The company is also limited by guarantee where no share is available as capital, and all the liability of the members is also limited by articles of association related to the amount of the members that are undertaken for contributing the assets of the company in the situations of different events of being wound up. So your organization that is nonprofit making usually Get registered at guaranteed companies.
Delivering application
You need to deliver some of the documents with correct fees are using electronic service or registry mobile application or using hard copy to Shroff present on 14th floor of Queensway government office. Other steps include collecting the certificates, obtaining a permit and license.
Company secretary- Part of legal compliance
Every company should appoint a secretary for the company within a certain period that is six months after its incorporation.The company’s security is considered the primary officer who is in charge of a large number of administrative and reports different responsibilities of the company which is required to get adhere by the law. These types of requirements also include filling out some annual return and filling the board resolution and recording.
The company is engaged with the best company secretarial services by presenting Singapore for providing them with the best corporate secretarial services. This type of firm Hires the company with a particular name of the company secretary.
Qualification of Singapore registered companiessecretary
As per the statement of section 88 of the company act 2014, every company registered in Singapore is bound to appoint one or more company secretaries who must be a citizen of Singapore and must be a resident of Singapore.
According to this section, the company’s directors, while appointing the secretary, must always ensure the requisite experience of the secretary and professional and academic qualifications. In addition, according to this law, a company can’t appoint any person as company secretary if the person has any debarment against her or him by the registrar.