How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell

  Product descriptions are known to drive sales to any business. They are known to highlight the products features, the problem that product can solve as well as the benefits derived from using that product. When product descriptions are written in an informative way, they can bring traffic in your business leading to profitable sales.

You may be having good products to sell but not inform your client well through product description. With so much competition online, it is crucial to concentrate on your product descriptions well and take the message home. No matter how good your products seem to be, you need to let your clients know about their benefits.

So how do you write product descriptions that sell?

  1. First write with the target audience in mind

This is the first thing to consider before drafting your product description. The target may be anybody interested in purchasing your product. So ensure that the product you are selling reaches to right people depending on what you are selling. For example if you are selling kids shoes, the mothers are your target. Make sure the message reach to them by advertising in mother’s forums.

Some extra tips to put into consideration under target audience are the gender, age, location, education level, interests and the language. These will help different people to get your products using a simple search.

  1. Highlight the products benefits

After getting to the audience, then discuss what benefits your users will have once they use your product. This is where you should put emphasis on your products. Most people while looking for products to buy, products benefits are some of the things they look out for.

So under this you can describe every detail about your product. Where can it be used? Why should the audience consider buying it over the others? Tell you clients about the quality used for your product. Let them get all the details of your product and get satisfied that your products are useful for them in the long run.

If your products need instruction on how to use them, under this section you can teach your clients how to use them.

  1. Choose the best format for your description

This is another crucial stage of your description. There are several ways that one can use to format their description. Most consumers also look out at this section to have more details about your product. Let’s discuss a few formats that you can use.

  1. Choose to describe your products in two or three paragraphs. Clients go through the paragraphs first and get to understand your products. A paragraph portrays a well-deserved explanation of the product and this can give the client confidence that they are purchasing a good product.
  2. Use bullet points to put emphasis on your products. This also another way of helping clients to get the best features of your products fast. They go through the bullet point and are able to grasp some useful information.

Create a tone. You can choose the tone to used depending of the products you are selling. Make sure you understand the tone variations, whether you should use a friendly tone or a formal tone. Be creative enough but avoid sounding irrelevant.After that now advertise your product. You can do this through social media and other platforms to bring sales.

  1. Avoid making your description lengthy

People get tired going through a hundred pages to just get useful information about a certain product. Make your product description short, precise and informative. If you feel your products need to be a bit lengthy, ensure that they engage the consumers. So use a tone that is fun and interesting so that you consumers can enjoy reading. You can add a comment section under this, to allow the consumers engage you. This way you will be in a position to understand what exactly your consumers want.

  1. Make your description special by telling a story

Have you ever read a product description that has a storyline? They always tend to be very informative and special. Whenever a client comes across such a product, they relate to the story behind the product. This is very interesting because you can also get referrals from such.  So ensure that your product has a storyline behind it and let it be engaging to your audience. Something they can always relate to.

  1. Optimize your copy

When people are looking for products they choose certain key words. You can choose to put key words in targeted places because not all keywords can be found by Google search. So when you are writing your product description, put emphasis on the page titles, ATL tags and meta descriptions. Ensure that in the highlighted areas you have used keywords. This will automatically feature in the SEO making your description to reach the audience fast.

  1. Use images and video in your description

Products description with images always looks appealing. Who doesn’t want to go through a well-crafted description with images to relate too? Most consumers skip the description part and just look out at the images. The images tend to describe more on your products according to some people. Most consumers think that images are better compared to those lengthy descriptions. So you can choose images online that best suits your products and add short descriptions.

There are other consumers who look out for videos. Videos have a way to explain how the products are used and their benefits. Focus on how to help your consumers benefits from your products while doing videos. Do your research well and you will understand what to tell your consumers


The secret in a good description is the ability to engage your audience. It doesn’t matter how good your product is if you pen a boring description. Make sure that your consumers grasp the best part of your product. With the above tips, you can craft your product description like a pro and get sales.